Cathedral Ridge Drink Recipes
- 1 (750 ml) bottle chilled Halbtrocken,
- 1 Liter of club soda chilled
- frozen strawberries
- Ice
In a large pitcher pour in Halbrocken. Add club soda. Chop frozen strawberries into chunk size pieces and add to the pitcher.
Serve in chilled glasses with ice.
For a slighter sweeter punch use Sprite instead of club soda.
- 1/2 apple
- 1/2 orange
- 3 TBSP brown sugar (optional)
- 3/4 cup orange juice
- 1/3 cup Brandy
- 1 750 ml bottle of Daughter’s Reserve
- 1 cup ice
Muddle fruit and sugar in large pitcher. Add orange juice, brandy and lastly wine. Serve over ice. Enjoy!